Competitive coachs

Club Gymini can count on a team of passionate coaches. Our strength comes from our experience as well as our passion, our desire to learn and improve, always in the quest for an optimal offer for our athletes. Gymini can count on a team of more than 20 coaches and specialists, who work every week within our competitive and precompetitive disciplines. Among this team, some also play a key role in supporting the management of this sector, in the communication, the evaluation of the athletes’ progress, the representation of the Club, the internal training of the staff, the organization of the schedules etc.

Emma Johnson

Competitive, Precompetitive


Competitive, Precompetitive, Recreative

Mathis Pharand

Competitive, Precompetitive


Competitive, Precompetitive, Recreative


Competitive, Precompetitive

Yann Auclair

Competitive, Precompetitive


Competitive, Precompetitive, Recreative


Competitive, Precompetitive, Recreative

Maryse Bonenfant

Competitive, Precompetitive


Precompetitive, Recreative


Competitive, Precompetitive, Recreative


Competitive, Precompetitive, Recreative


Precompetitive, Recreative

Samuel Parent

Competitive, Precompetitive, Recreative

Clinical Comittee

Gymini can count on the collaboration of the members of its clinical committee to pursue its quest for excellence and development of our competitive gymnasts in respect to their health. This group of professionals and experts gather periodically to guide the administration of the Club in its quest to offer its athletes a context of safe and effective training.

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